With Alberto Feijóo and the IVAM mediation team

EducationalWorkshopsIVAM Centre Julio González

For more information, please check the Spanish version.


Trascity. Alberto Feijóo

01 jun. 2023 – 07 jan. 2024
ExhibitionIVAM Centre Julio González

A danced videogame in the museum

TheatreWorkshopsIVAM Centre Julio González

For more information, please check the Spanish version.

First person filmic political manifesto. Subsequent dialogue with María Galindo and Isabel Seguí

CinemaConversationsIVAM Centre Julio González

For more information, please check the Spanish version.

Art i Context Program

MediationIVAM Centre Julio González

For more information, please check the Spanish version.


Presentation and opening [DOSMILVINT-I-U] [DOSMILVINT-I-TRES] = 1 encuentro

08 jun. 2023
ConversationsIVAM Centre Julio González


08 jun. 2023 – 05 nov. 2023
ExhibitionIVAM Centre Julio González

Dialogue between the curators, the person in charge of the mediation programme and the group of artists

ConversationsIVAM Centre Julio González

On Thursday 8 June we will be presenting the exhibition [DOSMILVINT-I-U] [DOSMILVINT-I-TRES] = 1 encuentro, showing work made during the two years of this programme by the group of artists from the first edition of Art i Context. From 2021 to 2023 more than 25 proposals were carried out in the form of workshops, conferences, performances, mediations or collaborations in different spaces, inside and outside the museum and online, creating connections between different layers in Valencia and its context.

The members of this first edition of Art i Context are Diego Navarro and Darío Alva, Claudia Dyboski, Marina González Guerreiro, Álvaro Porras and M Reme Silvestre. In this presentation, the artists will explain their experience during the course of the programme along with the results of their work, accompanied by the director of IVAM, Nuria Enguita, the curators Ali A Maderuelo and Julia Castelló, and Elena Sanmartín, director of the Art i Context education and mediation programme.

This exhibition is one of many in our opening up of our programme, which is an open, non-conclusive process in which the momentum of works’s gestation can be seen as an element that generates meaning.



08 jun. 2023 – 05 nov. 2023
ExhibitionIVAM Centre Julio González

Visit “[DOSMILVINT-I-U][DOSMILVINT-I-TRES] = 1 encuentro”

08 jun. 2023 – 22 oct. 2023
MediationIVAM Centre Julio González

2nd edition. 4 October 2023 ‒ 30 June 2024

ConversationsEducationalSeminarsWorkshopsIVAM Centre Julio González

The IVAM, with the Universitat de València and Universitat Politècnica de València, are launching the second edition of our international programme of studies, ARTICULACIONS.

The IVAM, as an institution attentive to the urgent issues and uncertainties of our wounded global present, has set up ARTICULACIONS as a context for hybrid research and education. An experimental space which works with and participates in contemporary art and creation, but also other forms of knowledge and cultural practices, social concerns and public space.
This is a locally anchored, international programme which requires and rehearses new working methods and ways of being in the world. It emphasises collaborative work as a means of learning from those around us, developing ideas and shaping new types of knowledge. Post-identity feminisms, popular and decolonial practices, the processes of globalisation and virtualisation, speculative and collective narratives, and caring for our planet are the frameworks that have structured the four modules of the programme: Contemporary metabolic practices, Ruptures and mediations of discourse, Walking with our heads, thinking with our feet, and the Final project.

Students of this programme will be part of a varied institutional programme which focuses on careful attention to creative and thought processes, “doing with” a community of students, professors with different academic backgrounds and professionals from the sector, from a variety of geographical areas, whose practices critically and incisively mould our ways of understanding, rehearsing and thinking about the contemporary world and its development.

By joining this programme you will acquire cross-disciplinary critical skills that will enable you to analyse, design and create different types of cultural projects on your own or with others. Final projects will be materialised at the IVAM and associate entities, giving you the possibility to carry out a real programming practice.

Pre-registration open until September 10, 2023: To pre-register you do not need a previous degree. You simply have to send a letter of motivation (maximum two pages) and/or video (maximum three minutes) explaining what you expect from the program and what your interests and motivations are in relation to its objectives to: coord_ext_articulacions@ivam.es.

+ info:
23-24 Edition here
22-23 Edition here


Articulacions– IVAM · UV · UPV Study Programme

15 jun. 2022 – 04 sep. 2022
ConversationsEducationalSeminarsWorkshopsIVAM Centre Julio González

Special programme for International Museum Day 2023

DIMVisitsWorkshopsIVAM Centre Julio González

Plant life is life as complete exposure, in absolute continuity and total communion with the environment (…). One cannot separate the plant—neither physically nor metaphysically—from the world that accommodates it. It is the most intense, radical, and paradigmatic form of being in the world.

The Life of Plants, Emanuele Coccia

As part of our celebrations for International Museum Day, the IVAM will be re-greening and installing a programme to activate the ephemeral garden growing in its hall. The Centre Julio González will be home to this garden from 18–21 May, rethinking its own spaces and turning them into meeting places, resting grounds and spaces for enjoyment.

María Pedro Ferrer, Javier Rivera Linares and Jaime García Mira’s installation ¡Un jardín en el museo! (A Garden in the Museum!) is a green proposal for the present and future of the museum. Its intention is to create dialogue in the IVAM hall space between plants, the building and the people inhabiting its spaces, to give space to think about the importance of re-naturalising cities and their architecture.

From Thursday 18 May to the end of the same week, the ephemeral garden in the IVAM will host actions, guided visits, encounters, activities, workshops and specific programmes, as well as other things that will blossom in the course of these events. We want to make a space for sharing, for dialogue and thinking inside the museum, from a different perspective, with other viewpoints and visual, tactile and/or auditory sensations.

The entrance to the museum will be free on the day of May 18, as well as the Night of the Museums – Saturday 21 from 7:00 p.m. Access to the intervention A garden in the museum! it will be free and free every day.

Detailed programme of events


Thursday 18 May
10:00 A garden has blossomed!
Child education. Group closed to invitations (CEIP Dr. Olóriz).

A garden has blossomed in the museum! Do plants have a sound? What do their scents evoke in us?

Mediated by Massa Salvatge.

13:00 See you in the garden: mediators and collaborators meet
General public – come if you feel curious.

Just before lunch, aperitif time, we’ll sit down in the garden to meet the collaborators in charge of the IVAM public and educational programmes to share their experiences, plants and thoughts.

17:30 Finissage of L’extraordinari!

We say goodbye to this expanded project on artistic leisure time which focused attention on families living in the vecinity of the museum.

Directed by Colectivo Viridian.

18:00 Crossing the garden, opening up our programmes. Poliglotía, Els Grans

Members of two of the groups which inhabit the museum space – Els Grans and Poliglotía: Escuela de Saberes diversos – will be meeting in the garden to share experiences and mediation.

Led by Paco Inclán, members of Els Grans and Poliglotía, and IVAM mediating staff.

Friday 19 May

11:15 A museum not for saying “No”… and not the garden museum either
High school education. Group closed to invitations (IES Misericòrdia).

Can we shout inside a museum? Can we put a flowerpot inside one? What about singing to a flowerpot inside a museum?

Mediated by Gema Gil and Óscar Blanco.

12:00 Rapsòdia en verd workshop. Mediation and observation around the IVAM’s ephemeral garden
Special needs education. Group closed to invitation (CRIS Sant Pau).

Using Mort Garson’s album Plantasia as our inspiration, we’ll be exploring the links between the natural landscape and the visual; between subject, nature, culture and the dialogues between them, focusing particular attention on different forms of perception.

A proposal by Sofía Alemán, with the IVAM team of mediators.

17:30 A garden has blossomed!
Child education / families (Ages 3‒6).

A garden has grown in the museum! Do plants have a sound? What do their scents evoke?
Mediated by Massa Salvatge.

19:00 Listen Chorus of Dawn
The dawn chorus is the morning song of birds at the beginning of a new day, a phenomenon that intensifies in spring in temperate countries. In 2022, within the program of the IVAM Presentes Densos, curated by Migue Martínez, the recording of the sunrise choir was made live in the tower in the Albufera de València Natural Park at dawn on May 1, recording the singing of robins, warblers, whiskers, flamingos, nightingales and other birds of the wetland.

Saturday 20 May

12:00 Rapsòdia en verd workshop. Mediation and observation around the IVAM’s ephemeral garden

For adults and young people.

Using Mort Garson’s álbum Plantasia as our inspiration, in this session specifically aimed at adult members of the public interested in new forms of creation using photography, we’ll be exploring the links between the natural landscape and the visual; between subject, nature, culture, and the dialogues between them.
A proposal by Sofía Alemán with the IVAM team of mediators.

19:00 Guided visit to the exhibition Aref El Rayess. Works (1958‒1978)

This special visit to the recently-opened Aref El Rayess exhibition will end up with participants occupying and talking about the museum’s ephemeral garden.

Language: Spanish. IVAM mediating staff.

20:00 Visit to the intervention ¡Un jardín en el museo!

María Pedro and Javier Rivera will show us the references they have used for inspiration, how they have structured the garden, its itineraries and living areas, the Mediterranean species they have used, the number of plants and trees, why they have placed them that way… In short, what did they seek to provoke in the people who will visit the installation.

21:30 Bonfire of Bosc geometric by Alfredo Ruiz

Camins cap a la modernitat a les falles exhibited the oeuvre of the artist Alfredo Ruiz. At the centre of the exhibition was his falla Bosc geometric. Una escultura inédita, which represented the forested, colourful, lively place which was the source of the artist’s ideas.
Beauty, burn bright!

22:30 Guided visit to the exhibition Open Creation and its Enemies: Asger Jorn in situation

After the special guided visit to the exhibition of Asger Jorn’s work, the group will be accompanied to the garden in the hall of the museum to learn more about this ephemeral work.
Language: Valencian. IVAM mediating staff.

Sunday 21 May

12:00 Rapsòdia en verd workshop. Mediation and observation around the IVAM’s ephemeral garden

For families. Using Mort Garson’s album Plantasia as our inspiration, we’ll be exploring the links between the natural landscape and the visual; between subject, nature, culture and the dialogues between them, focusing particular attention on different forms of perception.

A proposal by Sofía Alemán with the IVAM team of mediators.

12:00 Guided visit to the exhibition La Nave 1984‒1991

This visit to the exhibition by Valencian design group La Nave will be combined with a short rest in the ephemeral garden now occupying the IVAM.
Language: Spanish. IVAM mediating staff

13:00 A plant on my balcony!

The installation ¡Un jardín en el museo! includes a series of flowerpots holding aromatic herbs. These will be shared out among visitors on Sunday 21 from 13:00 onwards. In addition to the plants, at the same time, a selection of seeds of native varieties (melon, cucumber and alficoz) will be freely distributed, thanks to the collaboration with the Germplasm Bank project of the University Institute for the Conservation and Improvement of Agrodiversity Valencian from the Polytechnic University of Valencia of the researchers María José Diez Niclos and María Belén Picó Sirvent.


Axel Heil in conversation with Ellef Prestsæter

ConversationsVisitsIVAM Centre Julio González

Asger Jorn referred to the artist as a “professional amateur,” and he defended the view of art belonging to the practicing artist vis-à-vis that of the historian or critic. What does Jorn’s own art look like from an artist’s perspective?

For this special tour of the Jorn exhibition at IVAM, curator Ellef Prestsæter has invited the artist and professor Axel Heil to share insights obtained through his longstanding and passionate engagement with the work of Asger Jorn. Why does he like Asger? What does it mean to carry out research as an artist? And what role does “luck and chance” play in this respect?

Axel Heil is an artist, curator, writer, and producer. He is the founder of fluid editions, a production platform for a wide range of projects and artistic research. Since 2001 he is Professor for “Experimental Transfers” at the Staatliche Akademie der Bildenden Künste in Karlsruhe, and he has curated or co-curated exhibits such as Paul Thek – Artist’s Artist and The name is Burroughs at ZKM Center for Art and Media, Karlsruhe. Recent exhibition projects, together with Roberto Ohrt, include Asger Jorn: The Open Hide at Petzel in New York (2016) and Aby Warburg: Bilderatlas Mnemosyne at HKW in Berlin (2020), Kunsthalle Bonn (2021) and Deichtorhallen – Sammlung Falckenberg in Hamburg (2021). He is represented by Galerie Michael Haas, Berlin.


OPEN CREATION AND ITS ENEMIES: Asger Jorn in situation

16 feb. 2023 – 18 jun. 2023
ExhibitionIVAM Centre Julio González

Visit “Asger Jorn”

16 feb. 2023 – 18 jun. 2023
MediationIVAM Centre Julio González

Michèle Bernstein and Jacqueline de Jong in conversation with Ellef Prestsæter

ConversationsIVAM Centre Julio González

The Situationist International developed a radical critique of capitalism and contemporary forms of life through a plethora of activities, including theorisation and publishing, activism and artmaking. What was it like to be a situationist? And how can we understand the legacies of the group sometimes referred to as the last avant-garde?

This afternoon will provide a rare opportunity to experience two key figures of the situationist movement in conversation. Michèle Bernstein and Jacqueline de Jong played different, but equally pivotal, roles in the history of the Situationist International. Along with artists and intellectuals such as Asger Jorn and Guy Debord, Michèle Bernstein was among the founders of the Situationist International in 1957. In addition to her contributions to the journal Internationale situationniste, she published two novels revolving around the lives of the situationists, Tous les chevaux du roi (All the King’s Horses) in 1960 and, the following year, La nuit (The Night). At this point in time, the artist Jacqueline de Jong had joined the group and would soon propose the making of a situationist magazine in English. When she published the first issue of The Situationist Times in 1962, however, De Jong had already been excluded from the Situationist International. Published and edited by De Jong, The Situationist Times became a platform for an alternative mode of situationist activity, with Asger Jorn as a prolific contributor. Together with Jorn, De Jong also worked on other publication projects throughout the 1960s, including the recently published The Case of the Ascetic Satyr: Snapshots from Eternity.

The conversation marks the launch of a comprehensive new book published in conjunction with the IVAM exhibition Open Creation and Its Enemies – Asger Jorn in Situation. Lavishly illustrated and brimming with previously unpublished materials, Open Creation and Its Enemies – Asger Jorn in Situation is edited by Ellef Prestsæter and includes contributions by both Bernstein and De Jong.


OPEN CREATION AND ITS ENEMIES: Asger Jorn in situation

16 feb. 2023 – 18 jun. 2023
ExhibitionIVAM Centre Julio González

Visit “Asger Jorn”

16 feb. 2023 – 18 jun. 2023
MediationIVAM Centre Julio González
ConversationsIVAM Centre Julio González

Presentation of the exhibition curated by Catherine David on the artist Aref El Rayess, showing works made from 1958 – 1978.

Aref El Rayess (Aley, Mount Lebanon, 1928 – 2005) was an artist who was involved in the political events of his time and homeland, Lebanon. He chose to militate in conflictive contexts with their own demands, before pursuing recognition in the art system.

Rayess’ work is that of an inspired seismographer who records the longings and frustrated hopes of an era through contrasting formal expressions which show an astoundingly free gaze and way of thinking.

This is the first European exhibition of his work.


Aref El Rayess. Works (1958-1978)

11 may. 2023 – 27 aug. 2023
ExhibitionIVAM Centre Julio González

Visit “Aref El Rayess. Obras (1958-1978)”

11 may. 2023 – 27 aug. 2023
MediationIVAM Centre Julio González

Performance of the students of the Advanced Study Centre (Centre de Perfeccionament del Palau de Les Arts)

MusicIVAM Centre Julio González

The IVAM and the Centre de Perfeccionament Palau de les Arts Reina Sofía work together and they continue in this season 2022-2023 collaborating to bring the different arts and show the existing link between them, to all audiences.

With the purpose of disseminating artistic creation and making it more accessible, they have created a concert program that connects the different musical pieces they perform with the different exhibitions at IVAM.

With this collaboration, both institutions vindicate the need to work for an open, multifaceted and plural culture, as well as the importance of culture in the development of contemporary societies.

Art and ecology. An initiative of the Institut Français València

ConversationsIVAM Centre Julio González

For more information you can check Spanish version. Click here.