A tour in English of the museum's exhibitions

MediationIVAM Centre Julio González

With the intention of bringing the exhibitions and history of the IVAM closer to visitors, tourists and the community of foreigners who live in Valencia, this fortnightly visit is proposed in which they tour, as a walk, some of the key exhibitions of the IVAM collection, as well as some of the most current ones.

The IVAM Sightseeing visit will allow the visitor to understand the origin and creation of the museum, get closer to the great names that make up the IVAM’s rich collection, made up of more than 14,000 works of art, among which the collections of the sculptor Julio González and the painter stand out. Ignacio Pinazo. The walk will activate the exhibitions BE ARTIST. Julio González, in which you can see practically the entire work of the leading avant-garde sculptor in his work in iron and the exhibition Pinazo in the public space, an exhibition that presents and raises the relationship of the Valencian artist with the exterior space and shows a good part of his drawings, moving away from the academy and embracing his own style. The tour ends in gallery 1 of the museum, in the exhibition dedicated to the Nigerian artist Otobong Nkanga Longing for Southern Light. An exhibition that analyzes the notion of ‘earth’ as ​​a geological and discursive formation, often taking as a starting point the systems and procedures by which raw materials are excavated locally, processed technologically and distributed globally.

The visit, as an introductory walk through the IVAM, aims to offer a generous overview of the museum to the visitor who, after it, can expand knowledge and concerns autonomously (thanks to the publications, room texts or mediation texts in easy reading ) or hand in hand with the museum’s public programming and mediation.


MediationIVAM Centre Julio González

For more information, please check the Spanish version.



05 oct. 2023 – 14 apr. 2024
CollectionExhibitionIVAM Centre Julio González


ColaboracionesIVAM Centre Julio González

This symposium will be hosted by the Institut Valencià d’Art Modern (IVAM) and organized by the ICOM-CC Photographic Materials Working Group in collaboration with the Spanish Group of the International Institute for Conservation of Historic and Artistic Works (GE-IIC). It will take place on September 23, 2023, immediately following the 20th Triennial Conference of ICOM-CC.

The event aims to encourage an open debate on what we understand as photography in our time. This need to reflect on the definition of photography arises from the current situation in which photographic heritage is at a crossroads between the analogue and the digital. Conventional definitions of the word “photography” are still typically associated with technical concepts and, in many cases, are not fully applicable to digital-born photographic images. On the other hand, if we aim to work towards a sustainable past, it is necessary to clearly define the object of that past, and this is a major shortcoming with photography.

Indeed, photography holds undeniable cultural value, communication power, and unique characteristics that materialize as complex objects with multiple layers of information. Therefore, if we intend to preserve photographs, it is essential to establish a new definition that covers in depth all that they encompass. By doing so, the change in definition will have consequences for the future of cultural heritage professionals working with photograph collections.

The proposed activity is a one-day symposium. In the morning, there will be short lectures by experts in the field with diverse backgrounds. After a lunch break, attendees will be divided into groups to discuss the definition of photography. The symposium will conclude with a roundtable centred around the concept of photography, what we truly aim to preserve, and what are the strategies we need to put in place to do so. The goal of this event is not to provide a concrete new definition of photography, but rather, a starting point to further debate and reflect on this topic, as it evolves and continues to affect different stakeholders.

This symposium is aimed at all cultural heritage professionals working with photography, ranging from students to professionals in the fields of art history, fine arts and conservation, collection managers and other museum and archive professionals, as well as members of the general public who are interested in art, photography, and the preservation of cultural heritage.

More information and registration here


ExhibitionIVAM Centre Julio González

There is a quality in the work of Per Kirkeby (Copenhagen, 1938–2018), which is a result of his diverse, modern art education. Kirkeby studied Geology at the University of Copenhagen, but later enrolled at the Ex-School (Experimental Art School), Copenhagen, where he acquired a broad range of artistic knowledge in various disciplines including painting, graphic design, film and performance. Seen in perspective, his work is a compendium of these formal concerns, as well as others such as the essay and other forms of writing; architecture and sculpture.

While Kirkeby’s work can easily be situated within Danish art as a whole, for instance in the 1984 exhibition Uit Het Noorden (From the North), which grouped him together with Munch and Jorn, his work tends to be more closely associated with that of German artists. However, he also cannot be neatly fitted into the dialectical opposition between the formal practices of Richter or Baselitz and the more ideologically based work of Beuys or Polke. This variety of works and styles was well-represented in the exhibition at the IVAM Centre del Carme.

In another facet, during the transformation of the Turia into the city park it is today Kirkeby installed the architectural sculpture Valéncia (1989) in a site along the riverbed. Built with handmade bricks, the piece pays tribute to the city’s Roman and Arabic history. This and similar works since 1972 have become the Danish artist’s most representative pieces throughout the world. The maintenance of this magnificent work, which was partly constrained and hidden after the building of the Pont de les Arts, has been a complex affair. Its reconstruction and re-siting to the Parc Central, where the IVAM’s new museum building is to be situated, will give the piece a second, more visible life and better possibilities of conservation.

Spiritual America

ExhibitionIVAM Centre Julio González

Seldom has an exhibition so clearly defined a museum programme as Spiritual America did at the IVAM Centre del Carme. The architecture of this part of the museum is highly representative and pushes younger or mid-career artists to make specific installations; whereas the Centre Julio González exhibits art histories in their most representative tendencies and names. With a catalogue conceived by the artist as an art piece in itself, Richard Prince (Panama Canal Zone, 1949) began what was known as the Col·lecció Centre del Carme series of publications. Many of these, as well as some of the posters in the series, (in this case also designed by Prince) became cult publications.

The work of Richard Prince is known for his appropriation of images from the mass media (television advertisements, films, magazines and other sources), for conversion into autonomous art works in which opposing elements are paired. The idea of the autonomous art work is disputed, with some seeing art as an ideological instrument and others as a thing in itself, in isolation, with its own rules of communication. Whichever way we see it, Prince considers that any situation can give rise to an image that can then become an artwork susceptible to interpretation.

The principle content of this exhibition was a series of photographs ‘lifted’ from Marlboro cowboy adverts, and the re-use of comic strips from magazines, particularly the New Yorker. In answer to critiques of his work claiming that he had “stolen” images from other photographers or graphic designers, Prince has always preferred to describe his work as “piracy”. Piracy here is the same thing that multinational brands do when they appropriate identities and principles – such as freedom – to encourage consumption of their products. Spiritual America confirms the IVAM’s support of pluralistic, critical, contemporary pop art.

Javier Baldeón, Carmen Calvo, Fernando Machado, Ángeles Marco, Emilio Martínez, Evarist Navarro, Miquel Navarro, Pepe Romero, Manuel Sáez

ExhibitionIVAM Centre Julio González

The issue of representation is an intrinsic part of any discussion on the function of art. In order to certify a tendency we need a view of the whole, a collective view of what comprises a particular context. This exhibition was given the title of what was first a famous television programme and then a well-known book by the writer John Berger. Ways of Seeing was, for its curators, a “subjective, partial view revolving around the last ten years of painting in the Valencian region; (…) which does not intend to exhibit a ‘school’ (sic) or a generation, and certainly not of a ‘Valencian’ manner of seeing or understanding art”. It was a “passionate commitment to nine artists whose work extends far beyond the geographical borders they happen to have lived in”.

This (to some extent) generational commitment may be of great help in understanding some of the later movements relating to the importance or unimportance of art as a driving force for transformation, or simply as a mere historical record. It also invites us to notice the partisan use of art in changing cultural politics. The varied trajectories of the artists, some of which focus on the university, on activism or performative practices, some of which follow a more canonical approach, can now be seen as an explicit, well-documented piece of a period in Spanish and Valencian art history.

Paintings 1987–1988

ExhibitionIVAM Centre Julio González

The first exhibition at the IVAM Centre del Carme fulfilled its purpose of displaying the work of young, internationally-known artists who at that moment were providing new perspectives on contemporary art. While emphasis was given to artists who made specific interventions in the splendid architecture of the Ferreres and Goerlich museum rooms, the inclusion of José María Sicilia (Madrid, 1954) focused discussion on painting of an abstract, expressionist leaning whose makers, however, avoided defining it as such, preferring to escape hackneyed labels.

In Sicilia’s paintings from 1987 and 1988, we see a search for a fertile dialogue between form and background, but also between the painting and the canvas, with the latter understood as a container and the former the content; and also an attempt to break away from the aforementioned formalistic conceptions. Outlines of plantlike figures, particularly flowers, appear in fusion with the background but marking out an organic terrain that contrasts with geometric figures. The duality between painting and canvas, that is, between the painted matter integrated as an abyss into the support, is a reflection of the duality between the organic and geometric, the solid or opaque and the transparent or veiled.

Sicilia studied at the Escuela de Bellas Artes de San Fernando, Madrid, and moved to Paris in 1980, where he shared his artistic exploration and discoveries with the artist Miguel Ángel Campano (Madrid, 1948 – Cercedilla, 2018). He was awarded the Premio Nacional de Artes Plásticas (National Plastic Arts Prize) in 1989.

Havana 1933

ExhibitionIVAM Centre Julio González

Walker Evans (Saint Louis, Missouri, US, 1903 – New Haven, Connecticut, US, 1975) wanted to be a writer, then became a press photographer and reputed professor as well as a reporter. His photographs have become part of the History of art in their own right; his projects and photobooks can without doubt be said to have marked the development of photography over the following decades, and some of his images have become icons of the modern age. His work for the Farm Security Administration photographic project, supported by the government of Franklin D. Roosevelt and coordinated by Roy Stryker, brought together a group of outstanding photographers whose ranks include Dorothea Lange, Ben Shann, Louise Rosskam and Jack Delano.

Havana 1933 brings together Evan’s photographic illustrations for The Crime of Cuba, a book by the politically committed writer Carleton Beals, made over a period of three weeks in spring 1933, when the island was being governed by Gerardo Machado. Machado’s government, which ended the same year, had turned into a bloody dictatorship. The scenes in this series show ordinary people like peasant farmers, prostitutes, beggars and the unemployed, but also the Cuban elite in Evans’ characteristic compositions: different types of architecture, urban signposting, frontal views and a certain distancing, which is not cold but reveals Evans as a great observer and newcomer to Cuban reality.

This exhibition was the first to bring together all of the photographs in the Havana series, practically unseen until then. It underscored Evans’ importance in later photographic history. The American photographer can unmistakeably be situated as a key figure in the transition between what we know as documentary photography and photography as an artistic or “plastic” discipline as defined by Dominique Baqué.

ExhibitionIVAM Centre Julio González

Some exhibitions pursue aims that go beyond the basic necessity of showing a collection of works by the same artist. For certain artists, a particular city can mean much more than a birthplace or one to live and work in. For Joaquín Sorolla y Bastida (Valencia, 1863 – Madrid, 1923), Valencia was a trove of symbolic and emotional properties. Similarly, the city (and many of its inhabitants) equate the painter’s gaze with something resembling a collective identity. Technical and formal characteristics of Sorolla’s paintings such as projected light, the clarity reflected in his subjects’ bodies, fabric and objects, the depiction of an evocative Mediterranean atmosphere, the artist’s genuine capacity to freeze a moment in time, with every movement occurring at once, are aspects that have come to be fused with the city and the education of the painter’s gaze.

While the chronological history of the IVAM began with Ignacio Pinazo, who was fourteen years older than Sorolla, localising the museum’s perspective as a means to propose its own narrative of universal art history with Valencia situated on the international map, the exhibition of Sorolla’s work positioned the IVAM in its own city. It was visited by thousands of viewers, and it was an introduction to a gradual process of education on modern and contemporary art. The wide range of styles and semantic plurality in art which the IVAM sought to incorporate in its early years marked out a new, successful path.


ExhibitionIVAM Centre Julio González

Photography has been an interest in the IVAM collection ever since its first acquisitions in 1986, and we have also tried to integrate the medium naturally into our exhibition programme. Gabriél Cualladó (Massanassa, 1925 – Madrid, 2003) was one of the photographers who best combined the photographer’s personal gaze with the spontaneity of the medium itself. Cuallado claimed to be an “amateur”; perhaps because he had no need to make a profession out of his work, over the years he built up a body of strongly empathetic, sincere work. The people around him, family and friends, and later on, a collective portrait of his profession, colleagues and symbolic places from his childhood, complete his oeuvre, in which a quiet way of being predominates.

This was the first exhibition to be dedicated to Cualladó, and presented a series of photographs made from 1955–1989, together with the photo-essays París (Paris, 1962), La Cervecería Alemana (German Beer, late 60s), La Real Sociedad Fotográfica (1979, 1982), El Rastro de Madrid (The Madrid Rastro, 1980–1981), and La Albufera (1985). The images selected bring together those that particularly interested the artist, even at the expense of some of his best-known works. To the scenes or intimate portraits of familiar people and places, Cualladó added a number of series in which the emphasis continues to be on his subjects’ closeness, expressing the simple, sincere gestures of anonymous people and places he was visiting for the first time. Gabriel Cualladó’s ability to look long and closely was a previous, necessary stage to another of his skills – choosing what to photograph.

Almost a year after this exhibition, in the group project Els paisatges de Joanot Martorell. Gandia i La Safor (The Landscapes of Joanot Martorell. Gandía and La Safor), also exhibited at the IVAM, Cualladó once again showed that the empathy of the photographer is a strange, infrequent synthetic capacity that conjoins knowing how to look with letting things happen.

Claes Oldenburg. Dibujos / Drawings 1959-1989

ExhibitionIVAM Centre Julio González

These two early exhibitions by Claes Oldenburg (Stockholm, 1929) established the IVAM’s clear conceptual stance and high level of demand regarding its research and dissemination of Pop art. A Bottle of Notes and Some Voyages, with Coosje van Bruggen, shows Oldenburg’s work as a sculptor of works in public spaces, where everyday objects are gigantically reproduced, impacting their domestic ubiquity and usage. A toothbrush, a melting plug, a bottle with its own message cut into its surface, a saw, a torch, screw or used match, are all turned into monuments – sculptures, in short – reminding us of their function as objects by their conversion into art pieces.

Dibujos 1959-1989 gathered together thirty years of the artist’s work in ninety drawn projects, only some of which later became projects for public sculptures. Both of these exhibitions travelled to the IVAM on itineraries shared with other European art centres, consolidating the museum’s international position. Oldenburg sees his work as relating to the trifles of everyday existence, and to spontaneous accidents that acquire an immutable presence in the form of massive objects.

ExhibitionIVAM Centre Julio González

Any of the museums promoted by the Spanish state during the democratic period from 1977 to the mid-eighties have a compulsory mission to restore historically forgotten or silenced memory. Since its beginnings, the IVAM has dedicated space in its collection to this task, and programmed a set of exhibitions focusing on the recovery and writing of lost or ruptured modernity.

A restitution of the figure of Nicolás de Lekuona (Ordizia, Guipuzcoa, 1913 – Fruniz, Vizcayan battlefront, 1937), must first overcome the fact that even his very existence has been cast into doubt. De Lekuona was one of the select, avant-garde group of artists, philosophers, writers and musicians who were wanting to renew the sombre panorama of Spain still licking the wounds of the loss of its empire. He took part in the literary gatherings at the Café de Pombo, having moved from San Sebastián to Madrid to study Quantity Surveying. His use of photography, which he saw as a mechanical medium that prioritised the copy over the uniqueness of the artwork, and which allowed an absolute variety of motifs that could transcend a particular style, led him in two directions. He made photographs in a constructivist style tending towards the renovations of the New Photography movement, which he came to know through magazines such as L’ilustration; and also photomontages in the line of the European avant gardes, Surrealism and Dadaism in particular. With this recuperation of the figure of De Lekuona contributed to the slow marking out of the black hole in Spanish history, but also contributed to filling it in with the work of the great exiled intellectual figures.

This exhibition recuperating the figure of De Lekuona contributed to the gradual outlining of the black hole in Spanish history, but also helped to fill in the lacuna with the work of the great figures of its exile.