Poliglotia. Inventario. 22
(The museum thinks together)
The Inventario project. Poliglotia (The museum thinks together) proposes creating a place for meeting and brainstorming, reflecting on the possibilities, limits and problems related to the museum itself as an architectural, institutional, relational, creative, and exhibition area. As such, we propose the formation of a project team that can think together about the inventory of the tensions, challenges, and opportunities offered by the different agents and experiences that constitute part of museum life.
The group composition has maintained its identifying signs of Poliglotía, a program conceived from the cultural and linguistic diversity present in the city of Valencia.
The project team will meet for eight sessions between the months of March and June 2022. The reflections and discussions that come out of this will be shared with the public in two open door sessions which will take place in May, on the International Day of Museums, and in June, closing this edition of the Poliglotía program.
The Inventario project. Poliglotia (The museum thinks together) is made up of: Milagros Arias, Joaquín Artime, Tarif Ashtar, Óscar Blanco, Yulia Fert, Paula Guardiola, Badinengany Katalay-Sun, Elena Medina, Malika Oucheitachn, Sonia Pina, Esther Santiago Lizama, Clara Solbes and José Vaquerizo.
Dates: March 1 and 22, April 12 and 26, May 3 and 17, June 7 and 14, 2022.
Time: 5:30 pm – 7:30 pm.
Actions generated by the Inventory Group. Polyglotism
The fissures of NO. Influencing the possibilities and prohibitions of the museum
The mechanics of the day-to-day
Rastros en la ciudad (Trails in the city)