
Campaign for equality between women and men in the museum and in education

IVAM ProduceIVAM Centre Julio González

#Portaldeigualdad. Campaign for equality between women and men in the museum and in education, 2020-21 is a public art project conceived by the feminist artist and curator Mau Monleón Pradas for PATI OBERT at IVAM as part of the museum’s IVAM Produces programme in collaboration with various cultural associations working in Spain to achieve equality.

The idea behind the project is to set in motion a Campaign for equality between women and men in the museum in various phases, with the goal of demanding compliance with the current Law on Equality. To this end, various actions are proposed both in the physical offline space as well as in the virtual online space.

#Portaldeigualdad is a participative campaign driven by artists, cultural agents and associations which calls for the inclusion of an Equality Portal in the webpages of museums and art centres.
An Equality Portal is an innovative idea that allows museums to include a gender perspective in their webpages of all the information they handle and produce, so that it is visible and available for all the public. This information should include their collections, exhibitions and other activities, as well as the management of their libraries, and other aspects related to each particular museum, at the same time taking on a prospective quality.

The #Portaldeigualdad project focuses its campaign on various participative actions, including a video campaign, a visual participative campaign and a discussion forum, among others.
Begun on 7 September 2020, the first participative action is a video format for social media with a nationwide remit, through which individuals are given the possibility of supporting the campaign by making a recording with their smartphones and sharing it as a story and post.

The artist invites people to take part in the project by recording a video and sharing it on social media, and asks each participant in turn to invite other people to share it and record their own video, adding the hashtags #Portaldeigualdad #IVAM in their stories and posts.

The participative visual campaign also contemplates the installation of an intervention by the artist in the IVAM’s sculpture garden in the form of an advertising billboard with the slogan Espacio para mujeres. ¡Si tú quieres! Museos y Educación (Space for Women. If you want! Museums and Education). #Portaldeigualdad

People can also collaborate with the project by joining the #Portaldeigualdad campaign as an individual, museum or association in:


With the collaboration of:
MAV Mujeres en las Artes Visuales
Clásicas y Modernas, Asociación por la igualdad de género en la Cultura
AVVAC Artistes Visuals de València, Alacant i Castelló
AVVCA Associació Valenciana de Crítics d’Art
MACVAC Museo de Arte Contemporáneo Vicente Aguilera Cerni de Vilafamés
LRM CIDII Comunidad de Conocimiento desde la Perspectiva de Género
ACVG Arte Contra Violencia de Género
ITAMAR Revista de investigación musical
IES Barrio del Carmen, València
UPV Universitat Politècnica de València
LCI Laboratorio de creaciones intermedia