I Like Asger – Jorn and Serendipity
Axel Heil in conversation with Ellef Prestsæter
Asger Jorn referred to the artist as a “professional amateur,” and he defended the view of art belonging to the practicing artist vis-à-vis that of the historian or critic. What does Jorn’s own art look like from an artist’s perspective?
For this special tour of the Jorn exhibition at IVAM, curator Ellef Prestsæter has invited the artist and professor Axel Heil to share insights obtained through his longstanding and passionate engagement with the work of Asger Jorn. Why does he like Asger? What does it mean to carry out research as an artist? And what role does “luck and chance” play in this respect?
Axel Heil is an artist, curator, writer, and producer. He is the founder of fluid editions, a production platform for a wide range of projects and artistic research. Since 2001 he is Professor for “Experimental Transfers” at the Staatliche Akademie der Bildenden Künste in Karlsruhe, and he has curated or co-curated exhibits such as Paul Thek – Artist’s Artist and The name is Burroughs at ZKM Center for Art and Media, Karlsruhe. Recent exhibition projects, together with Roberto Ohrt, include Asger Jorn: The Open Hide at Petzel in New York (2016) and Aby Warburg: Bilderatlas Mnemosyne at HKW in Berlin (2020), Kunsthalle Bonn (2021) and Deichtorhallen – Sammlung Falckenberg in Hamburg (2021). He is represented by Galerie Michael Haas, Berlin.