Pepe Millares


IVAM ProduceLibraryIVAM Centre Julio González

ELISA is presented as a detection device from the relationship between “antigen” and “antibody”. An exhibition time in which to carry out tests to detect, mediate and archive the impacts that HIV has caused on the bodies of men who have sex with men. This device, which is part of the investigation Effect of a force applied abruptly, allows to abandon the opaque research techniques showing the processes, visualizing phases and data of the investigation. In addition, ELISA generates a space in which to carry out actions through proposing agents, flow communities, co-payments, claims, circumstances, estrangements and links, in order to continue constituting the Archive, object and practice of this research.


Reading the book of questions: 25 / 10 / 18 (18:00 h) Library
Conversing with the public randomly:
28 / 10 / 18 (10 – 14:00 h) Library
04 / 11 / 18 (10 – 14:00 h) Library
Reading of the stigma book: 29 / 11 / 18 (18:00 h) Library
Conversations in dark room mode: 30 / 11 / 18 (17:30 h) Library
Loud voice:
13 / 12 / 18 (11:00 h) Library
14 / 12 /18 (11:00 h) Library
Claims from the sling: 11 / 01 / 19 (19:00 h) Library
Heat and coffee, as a reception center: 15 / 01 / 19 (17:00 h) Library
Non-obstructive observations of works of art from the IVAM collection: 18 / 1 / 19 (17:30 h) Library
Count the exhibition / listen to the exhibition: 02 / 02 / 19 (11:00 h) Library


Pepe Miralles

05 mar. 2018 – 28 apr. 2019
ConversationsIVAM Centre Julio González