Bigas Luna

Ingestum: fluids


The origin: The earth The exhibition starts outside the entrance to IVAM, in an area set aside to pay tribute to the earth. On the façade, the three videos Courbet Origins by Bigas Luna will be projected, representing the origin of life. Two large parterres (one with compost and bones; the other, with ashes) will be placed in the open area in front of the museum. In between the parterres is a large table, part altar part grill, where food will be cooked in a ritual fashion during the opening day. Water In the lobby of the museum is the INGESTUM dinner table and the video “Collar de Moscas”. Next to it is the installation devoted to water and to Masaru Emoto showing how water not only retains visible information, but is also sensitive to feelings and, as Emoto says, water consciousness. In the installation made by Carles Torrent and Goio Iturregui, from the friends of the Masaru Emoto Association, crystallisations of water by Emoto will be also projected on the visitors’ bodies. Blood On the first floor is the installation CPS “centimetres per second” where visitors can check the speed of blood as it is pumped out of their hearts. Using an echocardiogram you can see your heart projected on a large screen. Whoever wishes to take the test will immediately receive this information printed on a drawing by Bigas Luna. Milk The Milky Way Labyrinth consists of early video art pieces which Bigas Luna devoted to mother’s milk and lactation: Allatatrice, Allattatore, Mamador Molar, Virgen Lactatio, Origen Lumière. The visit ends with a 12-minute three screen video-installation, Gaudir Nouvelle, made with the architect Jean Nouvel and with music by Miguel Marín.