Transposition. Performance by Yinka Esi Graves.

Within the framework of the exhibition 'popular', curated by Pedro G. Romero and the Articulacions study program

ArticulacionsTheatreIVAM Centre Julio González

Within the framework of the popular exhibition curated by Pedro G. Romero, Yinka Esi Graves will perform the specific performance Transposition. The artist also participates in the Articulations study program.

Hack, stalk, commune,
Hack, stalk, commune,
Hack, stalk, commune,
Hack, stalk, commune,
transpose invisibility.

Make it a dance, repeat it


Hack, haunt, commune,
hack, haunt, commune,
hack, haunt, commune,
hack, haunt, commune,
transpose the invisibility.

Make it a dance, on repeat.

Yinka Esi Graves continues to think through the framework of her work The Disappearing Act to reflect on how to position oneself between the intramural place and sudden overexposure without burning in the light.
Her work explores the links between flamenco and other forms of bodily expression, particularly from a contemporary and African diaspora perspective.




05 oct. 2023 – 14 apr. 2024
CollectionExhibitionIVAM Centre Julio González

Articulacions – IVAM · UV · UPV study programme 23/24

15 nov. 2023