“Rates al museu!”: Conversations and family gameplay of “Un ejercicio de violencia [An Exercise in Violence], Guillermo Ros”

EducationalIVAM Centre Julio González

On this journey through the exhibition Un ejercicio de violencia. Guillermo Ros [An Exercise in Violence] (07 October 2021 – 06 February 2022) “monsters” and challenges that we face on a daily basis will appear. Just like in a video game, you will reach the final screen, where you will be faced with a bunch of extraordinary creatures: rats roaming around the IVAM!

Target Group: families. Recommended age between 6 and 12 years old
Mediation: Fractals Artistic Education


Miguel Benlloch

11 nov. 2021 – 01 may. 2022
ExhibitionLibraryIVAM Centre Julio González

This Christmas… we’ll see you at the IVAM!

13 dec. 2021 – 06 jan. 2022
OthersIVAM Centre Julio González