Cine por Venir 2019

CinemaWorkshopsIVAM Centre Julio González

Cine por Venir has pursued a policy of proposing the world of cinema as a place of encounter and exchange that makes possible and potentialises other ways of acting and relating. Within this perspective, it has sought with ever greater intensity to shift the focus from the finished work, the film itself, to the processes of creation, production, exhibition and contextualisation of everything that is connected with films. We are presenting this edition as a laboratory for experimenting with methods and approaches to films, or to images, worlds, sounds, bodies, times, realities, etc.


19 September, 6.00 pm. Auditorium
Ingrid Guardiola. Talk based on her book El ojo y la navaja

20 and 21 September, 6.00 pm. IVAMLab
Word/Action workshops
Txalo Toloza and Laida Azcona, scenic investigators

Free registration required:

24 September, 6.00 pm. IVAMLab
Talk given by Paco Inclán, writer and publisher

Free registration required:

26 September, 6.00 pm. IVAMLab
Talk given by Carolina Astudillo about Ainhoa: yo no soy esa and other works by her and others

27 September, 6.00 pm. IVAMLab
Session organised by the Cine por venir  team, Sonia Martínez, Miguel Ángel Baixauli, Alí Atrees and Álvaro de los Ángeles