Monica Ridruejo



This exhibition recreates its coherence through its capacity to guide the viewer’s senses and perception through a proportional dialogue between symbolism and tonality, between net figures and their visual contextualisation. Monica Ridruejo’s pictorial findings wander between expressionism and figurative art, and are composed by at first, recognisable objects, textures and backgrounds, most of them evoking the sea. The visual setting presented to the viewer is astonishing due to alternative and uncommon symbols and suggestions, dialogue between forms and their context, or by means of unusual perspectives and foreshortened figures. As a result, EIKONOMA’s paintings grant friendliness to anonymous objects created to be resistant, resilient and clear. The essential role of colour is highlighted in this work as a carrier of light provoking surprise upon contemplating representations in which objects attempt to escape their mere pictorial dimension. By use of a diverse palette, strong and energetic, Ridruejo persuades us of the sensitive contemplation of inanimate objects that are never silent. These objects transcend their utility, remind us of an optimistic time lapse and spark a bit of scepticism. Monica Ridruejo’s sculptural work produces figures that are clear, cut and affable. With the inspiration of rough maritime ropes in their physical quality, new spaces and contingent equilibriums are created. The daring aesthetic experience of these sculptures is defined by twists and weights, but acquires vigour and essence, lightness and elegancy, thanks to the use of materials and colours which had never been used before in the treatment of these symbols. EIKONOMA is a grouping of colours, figures, forms and volumes which contain sensuality, evocation and suggestion which impose to themselves and open a more optimistic and satisfied look towards commonality. A journey in which known forms will give place to new ones to be perceived, together with unexpected colours and a multitude of new sensations.