
H2O is an exhibition in which Gaetano Pesce, one of the most visionary designers of the present time, has constructed a gigantic itinerary devoted to water, the only element that has three different states (solid, liquid and gas), in which the visitors and their emotions become the central focus in this strange and novel approach. Water becomes a versatile vehicle in Gaetano Pesce’s work as a scenic element and also as a concept, a symbol, as the stuff of dreams and always as a metaphor. In this exhibition Gaetano conjures up a variety of ideas about this element of nature in all its states and processes, associated with water as vapour, ice, transport, food, atmospheric element, sound and hygiene. Gaetano offers us a perception of water from different viewpoints which acquire greater meaning when the process is revealed, when we are aware of these different states and how they have greater significance for those who establish a close relationship with each aquatic phase. H2O is a poetics in which what matters is the participation of the visitor and, above all, the subtle metaphorical interplay with which water is represented; that is, as an installation integrating values, multivalent in its meanings.