Posar el cos

Inventions performance by Mal Pelo


Posar el Cos, is the title of sessions at the IVAM in which parts of the building are occupied, altered and transformed by the actions of dancers and performers.

INVENTIONS is a proposal of Mal Pelo that forms part of the BACH PROJECT, the main focus of which is a study of the music of J. S. Bach and choreographic writing. It proposes exploration of places that, through their sonority or architecture, permit dialogue between space, music and movement, with a scenic approach created for each particular location.

Mal Pelo is joined at the IVAM by Quiteria Muñoz, a Valencian soprano, who proposes the musical selection and the group of invited musicians. María Muñoz and Pep Ramis, directors of Mal Pelo, together with Federica Porello, Zoltán Vakulya and Paula Ramis, among others, form the nucleus of the dance performers.