Conversation between the artists Helena Cabello and Ana Carceller with Alba Braza
Conversation between the artists Helena Cabello and Ana Carceller and Alba Braza.
“Lost in Transition_a performance poem” addresses the exhibition space as a place open to transitional narratives. To that end it focuses on the stairs that join the two floors of Gallery 6 at the IVAM, an architectural element that would not initially be intended to exhibit anything. As a link between two spaces, the stairs would have a secondary use, but, however, in this project, they have been chosen as a conceptual axis. A perpetual place of transition, they become the ideal central stage, a metaphor of intermediate spaces, of constant movement and change.
The tradition of the theatre and the cinema or show business have adjudicated an essential role to the staircase for the presentation/introduction of their protagonists.
In the context of Lost in Transition the space between one place and the other activates the perception of ambiguity, transience and variability of genres.
Alba Braza (Valencia , Spain , 1980) is curator and works as coordinator of cultural projects and artistic mediation Culturama SL . She has a degree in art history from the Universidad de Valencia , a specialist in Museology , Museology and Conservation Museums from the Universidad Plitécnica de Valencia and graduated in the Master in Management and Analysis of Current Art from the University de Barcelona