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Gillian Wearing

Man (screen right) My episode of fear and loathing began on May 3rd 2011. Whilst travelling in a friends car in the back seat through Malibu Canyons one Sunday morning. My friend was pulled over by sheriff deputies for speeding, he was asked to step out of the vehicle having not provided his driving license and all the other passengers were also stepped out of the vehicle. Being the last person remaining in the back seat and having committed no crime with no motivations to do anything but remain in peaceful repose, I said no to a command of one of these deputies who said flatly “you said no?” I will Tazer and stun you and charge you with this and this and mumbled as he went away and another officer appeared. From boths sides with separate weapons I was tazed and stunned repeatedly in the neck and the arms and I was in paroxysms of pain to the point where I was ultimately incapacitated wherein I was also battoned and my eyes were coated with mace. I committed no crime and was merely a peaceful passenger. I was not even belligerent when this occurred. Subsequently my belongings were ceased false drug evidence was placed on my person and I was charged with assaulting an officer. This horrific episode continued wherein I was subsequently jailed three times and under duress accepted a plea bargain to prevent further suffering and a criminal conviction for drug possession. I am now in the midst Of a civil rights law suit to represent against these criminals of law, sometimes referred to as peace officers who violated my peace so viciously. whatever the outcome I echoed against this and all other forces of tyranny and oppression that exist in the world. With William Blake the great dissenter 34 and champion of speech when he said “cast thy keys oh Rome, down deep down, even to eternity, down, let the stony law be smashed to dust, for empire is no more” Home (pantalla dreta) El meu episodi de por i odi va començar el 3 de maig de 2011, mentre anava en el cotxe d’un amic, al seient posterior, per Malibu Canyons, un diumenge al matí. Al meu amic el van parar uns ajudants del xèrif per excés de velocitat i li van demanar que isquera del vehicle ja que no va presentar el seu permís de conducció, i a tots els altres passatgers també els van fer eixir del vehicle. Al ser jo l’última persona que va quedar al seient posterior, i atés que no havia comés cap delicte i sense intenció de fer res a banda de quedar-me quiet i tranquil, vaig contestar que no a una ordre d’un d’aquests ajudants, que inexpressivament va dir: “Has dit que no?” “T’atordiré amb la meua pistola elèctrica i presentaré càrrecs per açò i per açò”, va murmurar mentre se n’anava i apareixia un altre agent. Des d’ambdós costats em van atordir amb pistoles elèctriques repetidament al coll i als braços, i vaig tindre paroxismes de dolor fins que al final vaig quedar incapacitat, i llavors em van donar amb les seues porres i em van cobrir els ulls de gas pebre. Jo no havia comés cap delicte: només era un passatger tranquil. Ni tan sols vaig ser agressiu quan açò va ocórrer. Posteriorment, van confiscar les meues pertinences, em van plantar proves falses de droga i van presentar càrrecs contra mi per agredir un agent. Aquest horrible incident va continuar i posteriorment em van empresonar tres vegades, i sota coacció vaig admetre ser culpable per a reduir la meua sentència i evitar més patiment i una condemna per possessió de drogues. Ara estic al bell mig d’una demanda civil contra aquests criminals de la llei, als quals, de vegades, anomenen agents de la pau, que van violar la meua pau tan brutalment. Sense importar el resultat, em vaig fer eco contra aquesta i altres forces de la tirania i l’opressió que existeixen al món. Amb William Blake, el gran dissident i campió dels discursos, quan va dir: “Llança les teues claus, oh Roma! al profund abisme; que caiguen, sempre en l’eternitat caiguen. Redueix a pols sota els seus peus la llei de pedra, perquè l’imperi ja no existeix!”

Gillian Wearing
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