Untitled III, from the series Negative Incursions, 2002
Photography (archival print). Ed. 1 of 5
90 x 124 cm
Rula Halawani (Jerusalem, 1963)
The series Negative Incursions of Rula Halawani was taken during a month after the Israeli occupation of one of the Palestinian areas. Halawani puts into practice her training and work as a photojournalist, conveying through her photography the consequences of the conflict, as well as her life experience in her own place of origin. But the artist goes further, working with and challenging the appearance of the usual images perceived by the audience on the other side of the media, which deal with these distant realities from a sensationalist point of view.
Halawani displays her photographs in negative and, by using this strategy, she creates some phantasmagorical scenes that depict the result of violence as an element introduced in the daily life of a town. In Untitled III, the public space has become a mass of unidentifiable fragments, a figure of a woman in the foreground with her facial features depersonalised and unrecognisable with a completely dark sky, in darkness.