The albinos

In the shadow of the sun


It is always difficult to be different from others, but on the African continent it can be quite an act of courage. In recent times, the world has been a witness to the dreadful plight undergone by people with albinism in some countries like Tanzania, where they are hunted down and mutilated out of ignorance. In other places, such as Senegal, albinos are subjected to inhuman persecutions and massacres. However, there are other ways of eliminating a group of people from society: by humiliating them, ignoring them, depriving them of the opportunities available to other members of their community.   For that reason, ALBINOS – En la sombra del sol (ALBINOS – In the Shade of the Sun) is an awareness-raising artistic project comprising 35 photographs taken by the Swedish photographer Johan Bävman, winner of the prestigious World Press Photo Award, who recounts the atrocious way albinos are treated in Tanzania. Thanks to this, the Fundación por la Justicia wishes to sensitise the citizens of the Valencian Community regarding the problems facing albinos on the African continent and their predicament of injustice, poverty and discrimination, in order to encourage these citizens to play an active part in the promotion and defence of human rights.