

It is also a homage to Valencia as a receptor of diverse backgrounds which is an underlying cause of art as a melting pot, whether it is contemporary or not; and specially, to its condition of conductor of contemporaneousness which one takes longer than expected to assimilate, and which only takes place when dialogue between past, present and future appears as another possibility for open-mindedness. The Sala de la Muralla hall has been reserved for this exhibition because of its basal relationship to the city itself. To watch art add up its different layers to remain a discussion ground for everyday issues with its current resources, could not have taken place elsewhere, given the extensive amount of works by artists such as: Eduardo Arroyo, Alberto Bañuelos, Carmen Calvo, Joan Cardells, Teresa Cháfer, Alberto Corazón, Ramón de Soto, Erró, Christopher Makos, Natividad Navalón, Miquel Navarro, Vicente Ortí, Jose Antonio Orts, Vicente Peris, Júlio Quaresma, Sanleón, Francisco Sebastián Nicolau, Javier Velasco, Bernar Venet, José María Yturralde, Juan Carlos Rosa Casasola, Paola Ruiz Moltó, Señor Cifrián, Mar Domínguez, Regina Quesada, Irene Grau, Trashformaciones, Jimpunk, Marie-Lou Desmeules, Andrea Gussi, Marcos Juncal, Samuel Ortí, Für alle Fälle, Salvia Ferrer, Carla Cruz, Daniel Grijalba, Solimán López, Rocío Garriga, Eva and Franco Mattes, and Volkan Diyaroglu.