Soledad Sevilla

The Space and The Enclosure


Soledad Sevilla (Valencia 1944) studied at the Escuela Superior de Bellas Artes de San Jorge in Barcelona and currently lives in Granada. Her artistic career began in the late sixties, in the times of Geometrical Abstraction, when she focused her interest on research into the modulus and its infinite variations on the pictorial plane, although her geometrical constructions never abandoned the territory of the poetic. This interplay of polarities has remained a constant feature in her work, which frequently turns on expressive dualities such as materiality/immateriality, day/night, reason/experience, flat/deep, and order/chaos. In the early eighties she incorporated installation as a further resource in her artistic output, an aspect of her work that this exhibition sets out to show. It includes two installations conceived by Soledad Sevilla for the Centre del Carme. The first, Con una vara de mimbre (With a Willow Rod), 2001, reflects the artist’s interest in the use of light to create enveloping atmospheres, while at the same time it introduces us to her paintings of the late seventies, dominated by the rhythmical representation of geometrical patterns. The second installation, El rompido (Broken Ground), 2001, appears as a reflection on the theme of the wall and on the painting of emptiness which began in the series En ruinas (In Ruins) and has continued in her current series of paintings.