Possible Utopias

Millennium development objectives


The 192 signatory countries recognised their collective responsibility in respecting and defending the principles of human dignity, equality and justice all over the world and their duty towards all the inhabitants of the planet. The contents of the Millennium Declaration comprised eight specific Goals: 1. To eradicate extreme poverty and hunger2. To achieve universal primary education3. To promote gender equality and empower women4. To reduce child mortality5. To improve maternal health6. To combat HIV/AIDS, malaria, and other diseases7. To ensure environmental sustainability8. To develop a Global Partnership for Development These objectives constitute an unprecedented commitment in the world cooperation and development agenda and the year 2015 was set as the end of the first stage to achieve the Millennium Development Goals. Over ten years have gone by since world leaders established these objectives and goals to free the human race from extreme poverty, hunger, illiteracy and disease. Although there is a great deal still remaining to be done, the world has reasons to celebrate the achievements attained, among others, the economic growth of some developing countries and interventions in education, health and access to water, which have had a remarkable impact. If you would like to contribute to the achievement of the Millennium Development Goals, here are a few suggestions: 1. Reflect about the scope of the MDGs.  2. Convince yourself that it is possible to achieve them and that you can help to do so.  3. Disseminate the content of the MDGs in your environment. 4. Participate in sensitisation and volunteer activities related with the MDGs.  5. Collaborate with NGOs that carry out activities related with the MDGs.  6. Find out which public institutions are responsible for contributing to the achievement of the MDGs. 7. Discover the aid for development your Government has undertaken.   8. Demand that your political representatives carry out the commitments undertaken.  9. Behave with responsibility and solidarity in matters related with emigration, the environment and consumerism. 10. Form part of the global movement supporting the MDGs through:  – Facebook/campañadelmilenio  and – Twitter@CampMilenioEsp Access to the catalogue of the exhibition can be found at: – http://www.ivam.es/publications/online