
La última tertulia


The exhibition will reflect the friendship and collaboration between Picasso and the poet Alberti and will mark the centenary of the latter’s birth on 16 December 1902. Their relationship will be illustrated and documented with paintings and etchings by Picasso, photographs by Roberto Otero (the curator of the exhibition) and poems by Rafael Alberti. The exhibition will provide a graphic and conceptual survey of the close friendship that united Picasso and Alberti from 1934 to the time of the artist’s death, concentrating particularly on the last 10 years of his life. During this final period, when Picasso was living in Mougins, Alberti and Otero were assiduous members of his tertulias (regular gatherings of friends who meet to converse on a wide range of subjects). Roberto Otero’s photographs of these events, showing Picasso in the intimacy of his everyday life, will form the basis of the exhibition. Throughout his life, Picasso was a member of a Spanish tertulia. These regular encounters with his friends gradually evolved with time, as did the group of friends who were associated with him in Paris at the turn of the century, during the twenties, or during the preparation of Guernica. In the last tertulia at Notre-Dame-de-Vie, Alberti was the principal member.