Objetivo: Valencia


Objetivo Valencia. La ciudad en el punto de mira shows the traces of a city portrayed by ten photographers going from medieval utopia to the challenging structures designed to mark the profiles of a metropolis that does not resign itself to being peripheral and seeks its place in the world. The city, a symbol of human evolution, has inspired countless creators throughout history. In this exhibition, the Institut Valencià d’Art Modern has continued in this line and has entrusted Gonzalo Pérez, Raúl Cancio, Chema Conesa, Jesús Ciscar, José Aleixandre, Ferran Montenegro, Manuel Molines, Vicent Bosch, Juan Millás and José Jordán to provide a new portrait of Valencia. With their unerring fast shots, the graphic reporters of important local and national newspapers have captured fragments of a city that, like all cities, is unencompassable. With their zoom lenses, the ten photographers who have participated in Objetivo Valencia. La ciudad en el punto de mira have captured fragments of the geography of a city that, fortunately or unfortunately, we shall never quite manage to circumscribe entirely. Filmmakers, writers and photographers are conscious of the fact that to portray life there is no better way than to portray the street. “Even more than trees and nature / Or than the murmur of running water / Fleeting, / Reflected in the leaves / -Even though at my age / One begins to welcome spring- / On my walks I seek the sad buildings, / The lipstick-stained statues, / The outdated corners of the park,” wrote the poet Jaime Gil de Biedma. The city is one of man’s greatest inventions. For decades photographers have attested its evolution, as thousands of photographs demonstrate. The images exhibited in Objetivo Valencia are a new link in this collective portrait of the city.