

The theme of the show is neither casual nor trivial. The leg is merely a basic element common to many types of furniture. The leg is a column, the support, the structure, the totem. If a single leg is the contribution of designer, of a style, of a trend, then various legs go to make up an entirety, a formal universe where the various units support each other to make up a universal platform. In order to ensure the exhibition captures the visitor’s interest, it was essential to choose international designers whose designs would be as different and complementary as possible. Great personalities whose names and reputations alone enhance the event beyond even their own specific contributions. With this initiative, the Valencia International Furniture Fair and ANIEME aim to demonstrate its openness towards creativity and the creators who have always been-and will continue to be-the first vital step on the long, continuous and never-ending road to innovation and development. We wish to pay tribute in this exhibition to all the world’s designers of all periods, represented here by our 20 contributors.