Eyes of the sea


All the participants have manifested their artistic interest in the world of the sea through their personal aesthetics. Both the themes and creative languages have generated a plural result of great dynamism and absolutely contemporary experimentation. Many are the forms and the perspectives water has offered and continues to offer in all the artistic disciplines, whether directly or indirectly, through its power to seduce the artist. Ports, those who have visited them in the past and those who do today, their experiences, poetics and metaphors come loose and navigate through the show where the artistic media chosen to express content include video art, sculpture, painting, photography, installations… All the artists taking part have felt the influence of the magic of its waters, of its legends, of its shine and its light, the contrast between calm and tumult. We see that art has not remained aloof from this accumulation of sensations, which it has turned into original aesthetics. Water, for the artists who accompany us here, has value as a symbol, as inspiration and particularly as a creative element. The sea has allowed the city of Valencia to grow again and again over the centuries and made it a place of freedom and openness to other cultures.