Colección Sandretto Re Rebaudengo


The exhibition presents a selection of the latest acquisitions of the Collection of the Fondazione Sandretto Re Rebaudengo por l’Arte, offering a panoramic view of the work of the most important contemporary artists who use photography as their chosen means of expression. The Fondazione Sandretto Re Rebaudengo por l’Arte was established in Turin on April 6, 1995 and received official recognition from the Piemonte region on May 2, 1995. Its activity centers on providing new generations of artists, critics and curators the necessary support to develop their work. Its interest covers all of the variations in the contemporary art world, promoting research and the diffusion of the most significant works that have been marking the successive changes over the past decades. Its attention is directed at all of the visual arts: painting, sculpture, photography, video, installations, and performances… It organizes exhibitions, congresses, seminars and workshops for children; it presents publications for all of its activities and it sponsors awards. From the beginning of its activities, the Fondazione Sandretto Re Rebaudengo por l’Arte has dedicated special attention to international photography, due to the great capacity photography has shown in its creative transformation of contemporary art. In line with the concept of the creation of this collection, a selection of one hundred works will be presented, with the participation of such artists as: Nobuyoshi Araki, Matthew Barney, Larry Clark, Saul Fletcher, Nan Goldin, Francesco Jodice, Barbara Kruger, Zoe Leonard, Tracey Moffatt, Shirin Neshat, Sakiko Nomura, Thomas Ruff, Collier Schorr, Cindy Sherman, Hannah Starkey, Thomas Struth, Alessandra Tesi and Jeff Wall. This selection allows the viewer to see altogether and in one place a variety of the latest tendencies without distinctions, from the small, simple photographs in black and white or color on bright paper to the strangest manipulations on large and varied supports. The exhibition is organized jointly by IVAM, the Fondazione Sandretto Re Rebaudengo por l’Arte and the Galleria d’Arte Moderna of Bologna. Once the show concludes its run at IVAM, it will travel to the other collaborating institutions.