Session for Art i Context programme. IVAM Estiu

Mediated itinerary with Elena Sanmartín & Music session with Diego Navarro / Marco Henri

Art i ContextMusicIVAM Centre Julio González

The final session of IVAM Estiu, the programme that has covered some of the museum’s principal thematic lines in encounters, dances and sounds, with hedonism as the driving force for affect and effects.

This session will begin in Room 7 and end in the museum entrance hall. It is part of the Art I Context programme and the exhibition [DOSMILVINT-I-U] [DOSMILVINT-I-TRES] = 1 encuentro and will be carried out in dialogue with the curators Julia Castelló and Ali A Maderuelo.

Elena Sanmartín, who is in charge of mediating the programme, invites us on a journey through the archive material of activities that happened before the exhibition, when the objects in it were not yet embodied.

+ info Everything was happening while everything was happening, with Elena Sanmartín

Following this activity, from 8pm onwards, the artists Diego Navarro and Marco Henri will weave a hypnotic journey in sound through mutual, intersecting influences: a landscape halfway between ambient and body.

+ info Music session Diego Navarro and Marco Henri



08 jun. 2023 – 05 nov. 2023
ExhibitionIVAM Centre Julio González

Everything was happening while everything was happening. Itinerary led by Elena Sanmartín

20 jul. 2023
Art i ContextIVAM Centre Julio González

Music session with Diego Navarro / Marco Henri

20 jul. 2023
Art i ContextMusicIVAM Centre Julio González