Everything was happening while everything was happening. Itinerary led by Elena Sanmartín

IVAM Estiu. Art i Context programme

Art i ContextIVAM Centre Julio González

“Everything was happening while everything was happening” is a playful itinerary through the exhibition [DOSMILVINT-I-U] [DOSMILVINT-I-TRES] = 1 encuentro, which takes up on the archive material from the various activities relating to the programme’s educational and mediation proposal. Using a dictionary of terminology put together by Fine Arts students and the Universidad del País Vasco; the videogame En búsqueda de semillas (Looking for Seeds) imagined by a group of children; a Concierto demasiado serio (Too Serious Concert) composed by a group of young people, and the recipe book «d’ací allà, d’allà ací» designed by secondary school teachers, we will walk through all of the possible landscapes imagined before the exhibition came into being.

Elena Sanmartín Hernández is a mediator and educator. She is interested in exploring ways of translating and carrying over methodologies for making art to useful tools for the comprehension and resolution of contemporary challenges. Since 2020, she has been leading the project “Voces que cuidan” (Voices that Care). In 2022, she joined Elástica, a platform based in Valencia and dedicated to researching, designing and coordinating projects relating to mediation and education through art.



08 jun. 2023 – 05 nov. 2023
ExhibitionIVAM Centre Julio González