Francesca Woodman and Julia Margaret Cameron: Portraits to Dream In

ExhibitionIVAM Centre Julio González

This innovative exhibition will juxtapose the lives and work of two of the most important and influential practitioners in the history of photography. Showcasing more than 150 rare vintage prints, the exhibition will span the entire career of Francesca Woodman and Julia Margaret Cameron – who worked 100 years apartand include examples of both their best known and less familiar work. In ways that tantalisingly intersect and diverge, portraiture was fundamentally imortant to the artistic project of both women. This exhibition will explore the idea that Woodman and Cameron share an engagement with portraiture as a ‘dream space’. The title makes reference to the idea that these photgraphic portraits are not intended to mimic reality, but conjure notions of imagination, beauty, symbolism, transformation and storytelling. Considering both artists in a different light, Francesca Woodman and Julia Margaret Cameron: Portraits to Dream In will propose new ways of appreciating and thinking about the artists, portraiture and the relationships between 19th and 20th century photographic practices.

The exhibiton will be accompanied by a catalogue, Francesca Woodman and Julia Margaret Cameron: Portraits to Dream In, by curator Madgalene Keaney, including essays and contributions from the curator of the Woodman Family Foundation, Katarina Jerinic, and leading photography historian, Helen Ennis.