Feminine identity at the IVAM’s collection


By reinforcing these prior considerations, I thought it appropriate to put together an exhibition, Feminine Identity. It is based on selected 20th and 21st century works from the IVAM Collection by female artists who vindicate their female identity. The exhibition has already travelled several Latin American countries and has benefitted from cooperation with Acción Cultural Española -AC/E- and Women Together, an organisation liaising with the United Nations in the promotion of the Millennium Development Goals, particularly those related to women. Visitors will enjoy a deliberately incisive artistic tour encompassing different positions, viewpoints and creative approaches in a selection of IVAM works by internationally prestigious artists. Unanimously appreciated by society, the works reflect the artists’ extraordinary talent. Their historical and symbolic content, their principles, and their philosophical and existential qualities are constructive elements in a balanced set that makes these artists an essential group in the universal artistic imaginary. In spite of their different trends and disciplines, all of them display their common commitment, a connecting thread that relies on innovation, experimentation and research, which can be evenly seen throughout their works. The pieces take refuge and find a meaning in a search for materials and techniques that allow the artists to speak new languages in art, boosting their non-transferable female imprint and their intuition, beliefs, criteria and ways of understanding art and life. Therefore, I would like all of us working in the fulfilment of the Millennium Goals via the promotion of peace, education, art and culture, and through the fight against poverty, to highlight women’s development and freedom. From the IVAM, we wholeheartedly support Women Together, an organisation that is key to achieving the Millennium Development Goals. The exhibition is indeed a way of contributing to this good cause. We trust that this type of action is used as a platform to raise social awareness and to strengthen the defence of equal rights for women all over the world.