Els grans de l’IVAM

Group of tours and lessons through IVAM's exhibitions

EducationalIVAM Centre Julio González

Els grans de l’IVAM aims to create a stable group of senior visitors (older than 55) who are interested in expanding their knowledge about the history of contemporary art, artistic creation and museums with the desire to keep growing and sharing their own knowledge and wisdom. The goal of the main project is to turn the museum into a space where experiences can be shared and new ones can be acquired. In an exercise of constant listening and contemplation, broadcasting and questioning, the IVAM exhibition program and the museum space itself will become the trigger for mutual experiences and education throughout the project thanks to the accompaniment of the museum’s mediation team. The program will include visits to the current exhibitions of the IVAM Centre Julio González, IVAM Alcoi and IVAM al territorio.

September 27
October 4, 18 and 25
November 8, 15, 22 and 29
December 13 and 20, 2022