Mónica Capucho and Ana Sério


This double exhibition clearly establishes two different aesthetic approaches: in the work of Ana Sério incursion in gestural abstraction and tridimensionality with a strong playful dimension are predominant. There is an aim of dealing in a very particular way with the creative sphere by using different materials and techniques, mainly literary quotations; while the painting of Mónica Capucho is dominated by traces of the geometric abstraction heritage, which is treated in a very personal and innovative way by taking into account strict criteria and technical discipline. Its meaningful sense is stressed by phraseological quotations, which are de visual representation of an outstanding intellectual and practical work. As the catalogue states “both Mónica Capucho and Ana Sério are part of the increasingly unusual group of artists who are not worried about the aim of achieving the recognition for their work through the wicked mechanisms of an exhibition practice that has nothing to do with the artistic act”, that is, they are artists that face with distrust the exhibition of everything beyond their task. These collections of works are thoroughly subjective and antifigurative, that is, against the philophotographic trends that determine most of the contemporary artistic production. The exhibition will include the intervention of the artists (Mónica Capucho in an area of the Sala de la Muralla and Ana Sério in a different one). The works show the inquisitive visitor’s look a composition that is apparently oscillating between systematic and random criteria: it is a disimetric dialogue, both thematic and aesthetic, that will be continued by the future work of these Portuguese artrists.