Ariane López-Huici


This exhibition is the first in Spain to be dedicated to Arianne López-Huici (Biarritz, 1945), a photographer whose career has unfurled between her Paris and New York studios. The show presents a selection of 60 large-format black and white photographs taken between 1994 and 2003. The central thread of this exhibition is connected with the three lines of research that best characterise her work: flesh, shadows and dance. This is a good opportunity to view her most important photographic pieces through her best known series, such as Solo Absolu, Aviva or Dalila. Trained as an assistant to film-director Nelson Pereira dos Santos, considered the father of Brazilian cinema novo, she broke away from this medium in 1975 to devote herself entirely to studio photography. A passionate lover of music (especially free jazz), dance, the cinema and literature, her photographic work is marked by her fascination with the human body and her confrontation of cultural taboos and challenges.