Lecture by Victoria Pérez Royo about the Case Study: “Glacial Decoy”, Robert Rauschenberg – Trisha Brown
Lecture by Victoria Pérez Royo on the occasion of the Case Study: “Glacial Decoy”, Robert Rauschenberg – Trisha Brown.
Victoria Pérez Royo is a performing arts researcher and professor of Aesthetics and Theory of the Arts in the Department of Philosophy (Universidad de Zaragoza), co-director of the Master in Performing Arts Practice and Visual Culture (Universidad de Castilla La Mancha, Museo Reina Sofía), has given seminars in university performing arts programs in Germany, Brazil, Chile, Costa Rica, Finland, Holland and Peru, among other countries. She is an Artea researcher and coordinator of various projects: studies on research in the arts.
Case studyExhibitionIVAM Centre Julio González